One of the most important things that you can do to ensure your own safety and that of your passengers when driving is to make sure that your car is outfitted with a basic emergency kit that contains a few essential items that can help you be prepared to tackle any situation that may arise in an emergency. There are a number of situations that could arise which could require that you take action in order to protect your own life and that of anyone else who is travelling in your vehicle. An automobile accident is one of the most common, but some others may be breaking down and being rendered stranded on an deserted highway, getting lost without a phone or GPS to find your way or just simply having a mechanical malfunction which may require an import car service at your local auto shop.
In order to make sure that you are prepared for these events it is important to pack an emergency kit in your vehicle in a place where it is easy to reach in order to help you deal with whatever fate throws your way. This is basic car help advice that could even save your life. There are a number of items that should be included in this kit, but the kit should not be considered one-size-fits-all. Some people may want items that others think are unnecessary, such as perhaps a flare gun or bear repellant.
There are some ready-made emergency kits which can be purchased from your local ‘big box’ store or a specialized auto parts center. Your local auto shop may even carry one of these emergency kits, or at the very least the auto technician at your trusted import car service should be able to recommend parts and tools that you should consider including in the kit in order to fix a potential mechanical malfunction or breakdown. Don’t hesitate to ask questions of your favorite auto technician next time you are at your local auto shop, many of them are very knowledgeable and love to provide car help and advice to customers.
To get you started, here are a few items that you may consider including in your emergency kit:
Matches, lighters
Emergency blanket
Hammer, screwdriver
First-aid supplies (bandages, gauze, etc.)
Jumper cables
Tire changing tools
Extra food and water
Snow shovel
These are just a few items to get you started. Think of what you might need to survive any potential emergency situation and you will be well on your way. Remember, it’s better to be prepared.