Getting your car detailed will set you back a few hundred dollars, and not everyone has the budget at the start of each season to put down that much money on cleaning up a car. But, leaving those salt stains and other debris from the winter season isn’t good for your car either. The best solution to this problem is to clean the inside of your car yourself. You can even do this without buying a ton of products too (since car cleaning products tend to be more expensive than other products!).
If you have a nice weekend to spend at home, here are some simple and cost-effective ways to clean the inside of your car without spending a ton of money. Take a look!
- You can clean your dash safely with a mixture of vinegar and water. If you want to add a pleasant smell to that mix, simply add in some soap to the mix. Using a clean rag, wash the inside of your car with the mixture, and you’ll quickly see the inside of your dash shine.
- Getting rid of stains. Throughout the winter months, your car probably soaked up a lot of different types of stains from salt to coffee that dropped. You can get rid of these stains by taking your floor mats out of your car, and soaking them in a mixture of vinegar and water. You may need a stiff brush to brush out all of that hardened gunk, but it shouldn’t take too much time if you soak your mats for long enough. You can use the vinegar and water mixture to get rid of stains on the inside of your car as well (again, you may need that stiff brush!).
The Outside Of Your Car
If you have a power waxing machine at home with the right wax, you can easily wax your car so that it shines like new. But, this process does take some time, and it also takes some practice. If you haven’t waxed a car before, you may want to watch a few videos that show you how to do it, or test out your skills on someone else’s car before you try it on your pride and joy! Otherwise, you could wind up with wax streaks and other messes.
Getting Your Car Professionally Cleaned
While DIY options can work if you have the time and the energy, getting your car professionally cleaned comes with a guarantee that things like salt stains won’t be hanging around for long. Professional garages have high powered cleaning options that aren’t available to the public, and these professionals can also clean in smaller areas that you may not be able to reach with regular cleaning tools.
Is it really worth paying someone to detail your car? Since cars can become very dirty during the winter season, paying someone to get rid of all those stains can actually pay off. This way, you’ll be able to keep your car cleaner for longer. Just make sure to bring your car into a garage that you can trust, so that your car winds up nice and clean and doesn’t return to your home with any additional problems! If you live in the Fort Collins, area, Fort Collins Foreign Car Service is the place to bring your car whether it is foreign or domestic. We will make sure that your car is clean, and we can also fix any issues that you may have with your car internally while you are here.
Fort Collins Auto Repair Help
If you need any kind of auto repair in Fort Collins, our Fort Collins automotive experts are here for you. We service both foreign and domestic cars of every kind, and we can help with anything from cleaning the inside of your car to making sure that your car is running smoothly. For car service in Fort Collins this week, call Fort Collins Foreign Car Service to book an appointment. We’ll make sure that your car is in good hands!