Many of us have done it. You see that ‘check engine’ light come on and you think to yourself, “Wow, wonder how much this is going to cost me?” Sometimes this fear of getting a car repair done can actually cause us to put off getting repair advice when we really might need it. Sure, it could be just a minor issue (even maybe a sensor malfunction), but that little orange light could just as easily signify a major issue with your car that could jeopardize your safety and affect your car’s performance.
Putting off something we know that we should do, because we don’t want to face the possible effects of doing it is about as normal as it comes. We are all guilty of doing it at one point or another. Unfortunately, that fact doesn’t take away the reality that it still hurts us quite often. And when you are talking about a major piece of equipment that you use everyday (your car), it is important to make sure that your vehicle is safe and taken care of. That’s why you should make sure to head in to Fort Collins Foreign Car Service for some free repair advice as soon as your check engine light comes on.
One thing that is universal in this business is free estimates, and at Fort Collins Foreign Car Service, we provide free repair advice that is customized to your specific needs. We can make our car repair services work for you, so that you go home feeling taken care of and with more money in your wallet. Not every auto shop can sincerely say that (though many do try).
When you realize that there might be something up with your vehicle, you should definitely bring it in to get it checked out. A free estimate doesn’t cost you anything and we may be able to find and fix issues in the here and now that could be even worse if left unattended to, resulting in a more expensive car repair bill. Procrastination rarely helps any situation, and that holds as true for getting your car repair done as for anything else.
So, when you see that little light blink on, make sure to bring your car into the auto shop so that we can make sure that everything is alright, and fix whatever needs fixing to get you back on the road sooner and without any extra issues.